Northern Lights Topaz

First seen in 1998, Northern Lights topaz is commonly called “mystic topaz” because its attractive changing colours appear deep, mysterious and unusual. Northern Light topaz is made with colourless topaz stones treated with a high-quality coating that adheres to the stone creating an aurora borealis effect like the Northern Lights. By adding different metallic coatings, different colour combinations can be produced. However, Northern Lights topaz usually appears to display rainbow colours with green, blue and purple. This colour combination is by far the most popular. 

Northern Lights Studs
Northern Lights Studs
Northern Lights Studs
Northern Lights Nugget Earrings
Feather Nugget Earrings
Triple Teardrops Nugget Earrings
Northern Lights Topaz Nugget Ring
Northern Lights Topaz Nugget Ring
Northern Lights Nugget Pendant
Northern Lights Nugget Pendant
Northern Lights Nugget Pendant
Northern Lights Nugget Pendant
Northern Lights Nugget Pendant
Northern Lights Nugget Pendant
Northern Lights Nugget Pendant